Steve Kopman

Steve Kopman,

t is said Steve was born with a microphone in his hand. In reality, he’s been calling most of his life which is not surprising with a father named Lee Kopman. His first official “gig” was when he was 7 years old. He called at the NY World’s fair. By 13 he had his first “teen” club called the Daisy Chain Gang. By the time he could drive he was booked over a year in advance for clubs all over the Eastern seaboard.

Because of Steve’s extensive home program (he called from beginners to Challenge) 4 nights a week he went to a local college (Adelphi University) and graduated with a B.S. in Education.

Right after college Steve was married to Debbie who was a special education teacher in NY. After a few years, they decided to move to Knoxville, TN where Debbie had graduated from college.

By now, Steve was calling extensively throughout the U.S. and took a position at his father in laws business as VP of operations.

Not long after they moved to TN Steve also added international calling to his resume’. His first opportunity came in Hamburg, Germany and from there he added many festivals in Sweden, Norway, England and Japan to his calling experiences.

Steve & Debbie have been married since 1978 and have 1 daughter (Mandy) who’s also recorded some singing calls with Steve on ESP records.