Oliver Kuester

Oliver Kuester
Oliver Kuester

Oliver Kuester came in contact with square dancing by accident in November 2007. During his square dancing class, he began calling for other students who needed extra training sessions. In May 2008, Oliver got the chance to call once a week for an hour under the guidance of his so-called “Caller Father” Markus Lampenscherf. After this, Oliver visited several callers schools in Germany and in the United States. He learned from many amazing caller coaches like Ken Ritucci, Kenny Reese, and Jerry Story. Oliver started calling for the Flat Creek Roses in January of 2009. He is also the club caller for the Square Company Club in Dusseldorf as well as the L Town Squeezers. Oliver is an enthusiastic DBD (Dance by Definition) caller and feels it’s very important to utilize the Callerlab definitions. Oliver is an active member of ECTA (European Callers and Teachers Association) and Callerlab.